Dear Tax Audit Solutions,

Thanks so much for winning my case in tax court. I got to keep my new home owner HST Rebate.

See below.

Thanks so much.


Before: The Honourable Justice John R. Owen


Agent for the Appellant: Dan F. White
Counsel for the Respondent: Lindsay Tohn


UPON hearing the evidence and submissions of the agent for the Appellant and counsel for the Respondent;

IN ACCORDANCE with the reasons for judgment delivered orally from the Bench at the conclusion of the hearing, the appeal from the assessment by notice dated December 24, 2014 issued under Part IX of the Excise Tax Act for a Harmonized Sales Tax New Housing Rebate for Houses Purchased from a Builder is allowed and the assessment is referred back to the Minister of National Revenue for reconsideration and reassessment on the basis that the Appellant is entitled to a rebate in the amount of $24,000.

Signed at Ottawa, Canada, this 27th day of June 2017.

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