A $104,000 Directors Liability CRA battle is finally over!!
We stood our ground, pushed the facts and won our case..!
If it wasn’t for your compassion, constant support, diligent case file research, and the outright expertise and professionalism from yourself and team I truly guarantee you we never would have made it through.
To express into words the feeling of relief and appreciation as this massive burden has been lifted from our backs is near impossible…”the awful sick feeling is finally gone”. Being bullied and beaten down by the CRA for the last 5 yrs and told by our current tax lawyer, “you simply can’t win”, “you will have to pay” there wasn’t much hope left in our tanks.
If it wasn’t for the chance I came across your website desperately searching for help our results would be so much different today.
We came to you at our absolute lowest and ready to throw in the towel and you gave us instant hope back!
You stood beside us the entire way through reaching above and beyond what we ever would have expected of you by keeping us calm, reassured and focused at every step.
Dan, your efforts have simply given us back the normal life we once knew and for that we are forever grateful!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!