Paperless Office Practices

Do you maintain a paper filing system as well as a digital filing system within your office?

You are not alone,  most offices  receive and create paper  +  digital materials.  Unfortunately, boxes of paper records  continue to invade the office.  How does this happen?    We just like our paper – it takes some getting over.   It seems that many of us are in different stages of a paperless journey.  If you want to stop collecting paper you have to commit.  What stops us from making this commitment?     The paper is important, what if I need it, I like it stored where it is, I know where it is.  It’s hard to get used to the concept of saving everything  on an electronic chip. Whats even crazier  though,  is maintaining a dual system- storing material digitally and in paper.

This is the stage that I believe many offices are at.  With  a little dedication, you can adopt more paperless office practices.   Purchase a good quality scanner, I recommend   Fujitsu scanners

As quoted by Fujitsu on  their website:  Digital transformation is rapidly changing the needs in all business areas. Scanning is the enabler that allows organisations to digitize, augment, organize and share information to fuel business growth and innovation.  Scanning unlocks the flow of information through the business.  From a practical point of view, a business should  set up a dedicated scanning station.  This does not need to be fancy, but set up a scanner in an area where you can process paper.

Get a shredder

This is the best part without a doubt.   Start to monitor the kind of paper you receive in your business.  All incoming paper should be  processed. SCAN & SHRED.   This is where things get a little interesting.  Every office should establish digital file naming conventions.  A set of protocols or rules for naming files.  This ensures your digital files can be searched and located using the power of your computer.   In the battle for a paperless office – digital files reign supreme.     TAS  is promoting paperless office practices  in a series of upcoming webinars, videos and articles.

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