CRA audited me and denied my cottage rental expenses because I had not yet turned a profit and that there …

To Tax Audit Solutions, I had a net worth assessment of over $300,000 A scary amount for anyone. I hired …

Dan, Thank you so much for all of your help & support during our audit & tax issues. You have …

Thank you so much for the response and for the VDP advice. I was literally hours away from going in …

If the CRA has decided to audit you tax returns or even worse have done the audit and have hit …

A $104,000 Directors Liability CRA battle is finally over!! We stood our ground, pushed the facts and won our case..! …

To anyone thinking about who to hire in an audit defence… it has to be Tax Audit Solutions. I had …

I just wanted to say thank you very much for all your help. You have done a wonderful job. I …

Thanks so much Dan I appreciate everything you have done. It’s great to be represented by the foremost tax expert …