Undergrounders being defined as those who either buy or sell in the underground economy. This whole underground scenario was created by our government and can only be fixed by CRA and the Government of Canada. The underground did not create itself, it was created by the government creating a system and a tax regime that …
If you and another entity within your multinational group agree to buy or sell goods or services with each other, these transactions must be priced properly to ensure the appropriate amount of profit is reported in Canada. There are a lot of things to be concerned about with Transfer pricing. If your purpose is a …
When to hire a good lawyer In Canada we have a love hate relationship with lawyers. We love them when the bail us out of serious trouble and we hate getting a large bill. Sometimes we just love to make lawyer jokes. All that aside. Lawyers provide a very valuable service to those of us …
A legal safety zone is a term that is sometimes used to imply you are safe there A legal safety zone is a term that is sometimes used to imply you are safe there. It can be a little misleading. First of all, let’s look at the words; “Legal,” “Safety” and “Zone.” “LEGAL”: Defined as; …
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) advises against gifting Tax Shelters Now years later, and now that the horses are out and thousands of Canadians are getting devastated with huge tax bills. CRA is moving to clamp down on those charities that were listed on the CRA web sites, for donor to check out in deciding …
Charitable Donation Tax Problems Donating to a Charity Donation Scheme that gives you a greater receipt than your cash amount can get you in a lot of financial Hot Water! It is not just you, but your advisor could be in even greater trouble than you. For over the last decade, Canada Revenue Agency has …
If you want to fight CRA and Win, then ask yourself: What is a Tax Cowboy? The short answer to the question is; A Tax Cowboy is someone who can fight CRA and win! First let’s take a humorous look at Cowboys. The ones who chase cows and the ones who chase tax auditors. Let’s …
There are a number of different types of Tax Representatives It is very important to match the right TaxRep to the right tax problem. So review the following with just thought to what is right for you. A TaxRep can come from any one of the following areas. A Lawyer An Accountant A Tax Consultant …
Should you hire a lawyer, an accountant, or a professional Tax Representative? There are some serious questions that need answering before making a decision of what to do about your tax problem. Should you handle this yourself, hire a Licensed Accountant, hire a Tax lawyer, or should you hire a Professional Tax Representative? There is …