Tax Audit Solutions Will Make Sure That You Are Not Going to Die at the hands of CRA!

Yes, you have a serious problem, but it is NOT a life and death situation.

Yes, you may indeed feel like the world has fallen out from under you and that you are going to hell in a hand basket.

Your fear and dread may have been instigated by receiving a brown envelope, or an intimidating call from CRA informing you that you are being audited, or even worse, you get a call from an over zealous CRA Collections Officer threatening legal action. A big part of dealing with CRA is to be able to know you have the right help in your corner.

The right help includes dealing with someone who understands how you feel and can help you deal with the emotional turmoil. We get a lot of calls from people in a panic over the trouble they are in. Common fears are getting charged criminally, having an unmanageable amount of tax owing, losing everything they have, going bankrupt and having a marriage break up.

The greatest fear in the world is the fear of the unknown. Taxpayers become so overwhelmed that they assume the worst. Being that 99% of the worst case scenarios we worry about never happen, it means that people over react.

People are quick to agree with an overzealous auditor that they have screwed up. Yes, the situation is serious, and if not handled right the worst case scenario could happen, but that does not mean that they should go commit suicide, and some people actually do.

We find that even the most intelligent of people become irrational when under overwhelming fear and stress. Often we know that we need to be counselors in dealing with fear, and how to get back to a normal life while the audit is going on.

It can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few months to get clients to realize that we are there for them all the way through. We do all the dealings with CRA… our clients do not talk to them. We give progress reports to our clients as we move along. There is always a point in time where our clients realize that they can trust us as they see that we are in charge of the dealings with CRA. We make sure that CRA observes their own code of conduct and respects the taxpayers rights.

If auditors get out of line we file Service Complaints against them and escalate the matter above the auditors heads. Auditors are employees, they do not like having their boss come down on them for bringing public attention to CRA’s inappropriate behaviour.

I would like to stress that there are a lot of very good staff who work at CRA, just don’t count on you being the one who gets the lucky draw. In the vast majority of cases, CRA cooperates with us in dealing with an auditor. We start off nice and give the auditors every chance to audit in a spirit of cooperativeness.

So if you are, at this moment, STRESSED and beside yourself. Just remember we at TAS do not charge extra for giving you emotional support and ensuring that you can get back to your life and sleep at night. If you are living in fear at the moment, let us know what is going on, and likely your stress will plummet.

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